// $WX[] array size = 657 entries.
$WX['tempunit'] = '°F';
$WX['tempunitnodeg'] = 'F';
$WX['pressunit'] = 'in';
$WX['rainunit'] = 'in';
$WX['windunit'] = 'mph';
$WX['windrununit'] = 'miles';
$WX['cloudbaseunit'] = 'ft';
$WX['date'] = '20/01/2025';
$WX['time'] = '12:55 on 20 January 2025';
$WX['timehhmmss'] = '12:55:00';
$WX['timeUTC'] = '17:55 on 20 January 2025';
$WX['day'] = '20';
$WX['dayname'] = 'Monday';
$WX['shortdayname'] = 'Mon';
$WX['month'] = '01';
$WX['monthname'] = 'January';
$WX['shortmonthname'] = 'Jan';
$WX['year'] = '2025';
$WX['shortyear'] = '25';
$WX['hour'] = '12';
$WX['minute'] = '55';
$WX['apptemp'] = '9.3';
$WX['avgtemp'] = '4.3';
$WX['temp'] = '15.6';
$WX['intemp'] = '73.2';
$WX['temptrend'] = '3.2';
$WX['temptrendtext'] = 'Rising';
$WX['temptrendenglish'] = 'Rising';
$WX['heatindex'] = '15.6';
$WX['humidex'] = '-9.1';
$WX['hum'] = '52';
$WX['inhum'] = '20';
$WX['dew'] = '1.1';
$WX['wchill'] = '15.6';
$WX['wetbulb'] = '13.2';
$WX['rfall'] = '0.00';
$WX['rrate'] = '0.00';
$WX['rhour'] = '0.00';
$WX['rmidnight'] = '0.00';
$WX['r24hour'] = '0.00';
$WX['LastRainTipISO'] = '2025-01-18 14:46';
$WX['press'] = '30.65';
$WX['presstrend'] = 'Rising slowly';
$WX['presstrendval'] = '0.00';
$WX['presstrendenglish'] = 'Rising';
$WX['altimeterpressure'] = '30.56';
$WX['wlatest'] = '1';
$WX['bearing'] = '210';
$WX['currentwdir'] = 'SSW';
$WX['wspeed'] = '0';
$WX['avgbearing'] = '210';
$WX['wdir'] = 'SSW';
$WX['wgust'] = '2';
$WX['nextwindindex'] = '1340';
$WX['beaufort'] = 'F0';
$WX['beaufortnumber'] = '0';
$WX['beaudesc'] = 'Calm';
$WX['cloudbase'] = '3301 ft';
$WX['cloudbasevalue'] = '3301';
$WX['UV'] = '-';
$WX['SolarRad'] = '-';
$WX['forecast'] = 'Exceptional Weather, Stormy, much rain';
$WX['forecastnumber'] = '26';
$WX['cumulusforecast'] = 'Exceptional Weather, Stormy, much rain';
$WX['wsforecast'] = 'Mostly clear with little temperature change.';
$WX['IsFreezing'] = '1';
$WX['IsRaining'] = '0';
$WX['tempTH'] = '15.7';
$WX['TtempTH'] = '12:51';
$WX['tempTL'] = '-3.4';
$WX['TtempTL'] = '07:43';
$WX['temprange'] = '19.1';
$WX['apptempTH'] = '9.5';
$WX['TapptempTH'] = '12:51';
$WX['apptempTL'] = '-10.0';
$WX['TapptempTL'] = '07:43';
$WX['heatindexTH'] = '15.7';
$WX['TheatindexTH'] = '12:51';
$WX['wchillTL'] = '-3.4';
$WX['TwchillTL'] = '07:43';
$WX['dewpointTH'] = '2.0';
$WX['TdewpointTH'] = '12:51';
$WX['dewpointTL'] = '-7.4';
$WX['TdewpointTL'] = '06:58';
$WX['humTH'] = '87';
$WX['ThumTH'] = '08:44';
$WX['humTL'] = '50';
$WX['ThumTL'] = '12:28';
$WX['rrateTM'] = '0.00';
$WX['TrrateTM'] = '00:00';
$WX['hourlyrainTH'] = '0.00';
$WX['ThourlyrainTH'] = '00:00';
$WX['pressTH'] = '30.67';
$WX['TpressTH'] = '11:06';
$WX['pressTL'] = '30.44';
$WX['TpressTL'] = '00:00';
$WX['windTM'] = '2';
$WX['TwindTM'] = '00:00';
$WX['wgustTM'] = '7';
$WX['TwgustTM'] = '00:01';
$WX['bearingTM'] = '200';
$WX['Tbeaufort'] = 'F1';
$WX['Tbeaufortnumber'] = '1';
$WX['windrun'] = '2.1';
$WX['domwindbearing'] = '210';
$WX['domwinddir'] = 'SSW';
$WX['BearingRangeFrom'] = '0';
$WX['BearingRangeTo'] = '0';
$WX['BearingRangeFrom10'] = '000';
$WX['BearingRangeTo10'] = '000';
$WX['ET'] = '0.000';
$WX['solarTH'] = '0';
$WX['TsolarTH'] = '00:00';
$WX['UVTH'] = '0.0';
$WX['TUVTH'] = '00:00';
$WX['heatdegdays'] = '32.7';
$WX['cooldegdays'] = '0.0';
$WX['tempYH'] = '32.2';
$WX['TtempYH'] = '00:00';
$WX['tempYL'] = '7.0';
$WX['TtempYL'] = '23:57';
$WX['temprangeY'] = '25.2';
$WX['apptempYH'] = '28.2';
$WX['TapptempYH'] = '00:00';
$WX['apptempYL'] = '-0.5';
$WX['TapptempYL'] = '23:57';
$WX['heatindexYH'] = '32.2';
$WX['TheatindexYH'] = '00:00';
$WX['wchillYL'] = '7.0';
$WX['TwchillYL'] = '23:57';
$WX['dewpointYL'] = '-1.3';
$WX['TdewpointYL'] = '23:57';
$WX['dewpointYH'] = '28.8';
$WX['TdewpointYH'] = '00:00';
$WX['humYH'] = '94';
$WX['ThumYH'] = '07:49';
$WX['humYL'] = '64';
$WX['ThumYL'] = '17:41';
$WX['rfallY'] = '0.00';
$WX['rrateYM'] = '0.00';
$WX['TrrateYM'] = '00:00';
$WX['hourlyrainYH'] = '0.00';
$WX['ThourlyrainYH'] = '00:00';
$WX['pressYH'] = '30.44';
$WX['TpressYH'] = '23:53';
$WX['pressYL'] = '29.95';
$WX['TpressYL'] = '01:45';
$WX['windYM'] = '4';
$WX['TwindYM'] = '14:16';
$WX['wgustYM'] = '12';
$WX['TwgustYM'] = '17:13';
$WX['bearingYM'] = '210';
$WX['Ybeaufort'] = 'F2';
$WX['Ybeaufortnumber'] = '2';
$WX['domwindbearingY'] = '209';
$WX['domwinddirY'] = 'SSW';
$WX['windrunY'] = '46.2';
$WX['heatdegdaysY'] = '42.3';
$WX['cooldegdaysY'] = '0.0';
$WX['avgtempY'] = '22.7';
$WX['solarYH'] = '0';
$WX['TsolarYH'] = '00:00';
$WX['UVYH'] = '0.0';
$WX['TUVYH'] = '00:00';
$WX['MonthTempH'] = '50.3';
$WX['MonthTempHT'] = '16:40';
$WX['MonthTempHD'] = '17 January';
$WX['MonthTempL'] = '-3.4';
$WX['MonthTempLT'] = '07:43';
$WX['MonthTempLD'] = '20 January';
$WX['MonthMinTempH'] = '32.1';
$WX['MonthMinTempHD'] = '18 January';
$WX['MonthMaxTempL'] = '24.8';
$WX['MonthMaxTempLD'] = '08 January';
$WX['MonthHighDailyTempRange'] = '29.5';
$WX['MonthHighDailyTempRangeD'] = '17 January';
$WX['MonthLowDailyTempRange'] = '7.1';
$WX['MonthLowDailyTempRangeD'] = '07 January';
$WX['MonthHeatIndexH'] = '50.3';
$WX['MonthHeatIndexHT'] = '16:40';
$WX['MonthHeatIndexHD'] = '17 January';
$WX['MonthWChillL'] = '-3.4';
$WX['MonthWChillLT'] = '07:43';
$WX['MonthWChillLD'] = '20 January';
$WX['MonthAppTempH'] = '46.2';
$WX['MonthAppTempHT'] = '16:40';
$WX['MonthAppTempHD'] = '17 January';
$WX['MonthAppTempL'] = '-10.0';
$WX['MonthAppTempLT'] = '07:43';
$WX['MonthAppTempLD'] = '20 January';
$WX['MonthDewPointH'] = '41.6';
$WX['MonthDewPointHT'] = '12:47';
$WX['MonthDewPointHD'] = '18 January';
$WX['MonthDewPointL'] = '-7.4';
$WX['MonthDewPointLT'] = '06:58';
$WX['MonthDewPointLD'] = '20 January';
$WX['MonthHumH'] = '98';
$WX['MonthHumHT'] = '10:17';
$WX['MonthHumHD'] = '18 January';
$WX['MonthHumL'] = '44';
$WX['MonthHumLT'] = '15:39';
$WX['MonthHumLD'] = '04 January';
$WX['MonthPressH'] = '30.67';
$WX['MonthPressHT'] = '11:06';
$WX['MonthPressHD'] = '20 January';
$WX['MonthPressL'] = '29.65';
$WX['MonthPressLT'] = '02:18';
$WX['MonthPressLD'] = '06 January';
$WX['MonthGustH'] = '18';
$WX['MonthGustHT'] = '01:06';
$WX['MonthGustHD'] = '18 January';
$WX['MonthWindH'] = '5';
$WX['MonthWindHT'] = '10:31';
$WX['MonthWindHD'] = '03 January';
$WX['MonthWindRunH'] = '46.2';
$WX['MonthWindRunHD'] = '19 January';
$WX['rmonth'] = '0.76';
$WX['MonthRainRateH'] = '0.29';
$WX['MonthRainRateHT'] = '17:17';
$WX['MonthRainRateHD'] = '05 January';
$WX['MonthHourlyRainH'] = '0.18';
$WX['MonthHourlyRainHT'] = '17:47';
$WX['MonthHourlyRainHD'] = '05 January';
$WX['MonthDailyRainH'] = '0.32';
$WX['MonthDailyRainHD'] = '18 January';
$WX['MonthLongestDryPeriod'] = '5';
$WX['MonthLongestDryPeriodD'] = '10 January';
$WX['MonthLongestWetPeriod'] = '2';
$WX['MonthLongestWetPeriodD'] = '12 January';
$WX['YearTempH'] = '50.3';
$WX['YearTempHT'] = '16:40';
$WX['YearTempHD'] = '17 January';
$WX['YearTempL'] = '-3.4';
$WX['YearTempLT'] = '07:43';
$WX['YearTempLD'] = '20 January';
$WX['YearHighDailyTempRange'] = '29.5';
$WX['YearHighDailyTempRangeD'] = '17 January';
$WX['YearLowDailyTempRange'] = '7.1';
$WX['YearLowDailyTempRangeD'] = '07 January';
$WX['YearHeatIndexH'] = '50.3';
$WX['YearHeatIndexHT'] = '16:40';
$WX['YearHeatIndexHD'] = '17 January';
$WX['YearWChillL'] = '-3.4';
$WX['YearWChillLT'] = '07:43';
$WX['YearWChillLD'] = '20 January';
$WX['YearAppTempH'] = '46.2';
$WX['YearAppTempHT'] = '16:40';
$WX['YearAppTempHD'] = '17 January';
$WX['YearAppTempL'] = '-10.0';
$WX['YearAppTempLT'] = '07:43';
$WX['YearAppTempLD'] = '20 January';
$WX['YearDewPointH'] = '41.6';
$WX['YearDewPointHT'] = '12:47';
$WX['YearDewPointHD'] = '18 January';
$WX['YearDewPointL'] = '-7.4';
$WX['YearDewPointLT'] = '06:58';
$WX['YearDewPointLD'] = '20 January';
$WX['YearMinTempH'] = '32.1';
$WX['YearMinTempHD'] = '18 January';
$WX['YearMaxTempL'] = '24.8';
$WX['YearMaxTempLD'] = '08 January';
$WX['YearHumH'] = '98';
$WX['YearHumHT'] = '10:17';
$WX['YearHumHD'] = '18 January';
$WX['YearHumL'] = '44';
$WX['YearHumLT'] = '15:39';
$WX['YearHumLD'] = '04 January';
$WX['YearPressH'] = '30.67';
$WX['YearPressHT'] = '11:06';
$WX['YearPressHD'] = '20 January';
$WX['YearPressL'] = '29.65';
$WX['YearPressLT'] = '02:18';
$WX['YearPressLD'] = '06 January';
$WX['YearGustH'] = '18';
$WX['YearGustHT'] = '01:06';
$WX['YearGustHD'] = '18 January';
$WX['YearWindH'] = '5';
$WX['YearWindHT'] = '10:31';
$WX['YearWindHD'] = '03 January';
$WX['YearWindRunH'] = '46.2';
$WX['YearWindRunHD'] = '19 January';
$WX['ryear'] = '0.76';
$WX['YearRainRateH'] = '0.29';
$WX['YearRainRateHT'] = '17:17';
$WX['YearRainRateHD'] = '05 January';
$WX['YearHourlyRainH'] = '0.18';
$WX['YearHourlyRainHT'] = '17:47';
$WX['YearHourlyRainHD'] = '05 January';
$WX['YearDailyRainH'] = '0.32';
$WX['YearDailyRainHD'] = '18 January';
$WX['YearMonthlyRainH'] = '0.76';
$WX['YearMonthlyRainHD'] = 'January';
$WX['YearLongestDryPeriod'] = '5';
$WX['YearLongestDryPeriodD'] = '10 January';
$WX['YearLongestWetPeriod'] = '2';
$WX['YearLongestWetPeriodD'] = '12 January';
$WX['tempH'] = '100.3';
$WX['TtempH'] = 'at 14:41 on 29 August 2024';
$WX['tempL'] = '-7.1';
$WX['TtempL'] = 'at 08:26 on 23 December 2022';
$WX['mintempH'] = '78.2';
$WX['TmintempH'] = 'at 06:22 on 29 June 2024';
$WX['maxtempL'] = '8.6';
$WX['TmaxtempL'] = 'at 00:00 on 23 December 2022';
$WX['LowDailyTempRange'] = '1.8';
$WX['TLowDailyTempRange'] = 'on 28 September 2024';
$WX['HighDailyTempRange'] = '43.8';
$WX['THighDailyTempRange'] = 'on 28 February 2024';
$WX['apptempH'] = '112.6';
$WX['TapptempH'] = 'at 11:45 on 24 August 2021';
$WX['apptempL'] = '-15.9';
$WX['TapptempL'] = 'at 07:26 on 23 December 2022';
$WX['heatindexH'] = '123.8';
$WX['TheatindexH'] = 'at 13:33 on 25 August 2023';
$WX['dewpointH'] = '84.8';
$WX['TdewpointH'] = 'at 09:15 on 25 August 2021';
$WX['dewpointL'] = '-12.4';
$WX['TdewpointL'] = 'at 08:27 on 23 December 2022';
$WX['humH'] = '100';
$WX['ThumH'] = 'at 09:20 on 29 September 2024';
$WX['humL'] = '0';
$WX['ThumL'] = 'at 07:58 on 17 April 2021';
$WX['wchillL'] = '-18.4';
$WX['TwchillL'] = 'at 05:32 on 23 December 2022';
$WX['rrateM'] = '57.60';
$WX['TrrateM'] = 'at 13:41 on 06 May 2024';
$WX['rfallH'] = '4.56';
$WX['TrfallH'] = 'on 03 January 2023';
$WX['rfallhH'] = '2.13';
$WX['TrfallhH'] = 'at 11:30 on 05 December 2021';
$WX['rfallmH'] = '9.02';
$WX['TrfallmH'] = 'July 2022';
$WX['LongestDryPeriod'] = '16';
$WX['TLongestDryPeriod'] = 'to 11 October 2022';
$WX['LongestWetPeriod'] = '8';
$WX['TLongestWetPeriod'] = 'to 09 May 2021';
$WX['pressH'] = '30.79';
$WX['TpressH'] = 'at 09:33 on 21 January 2024';
$WX['pressL'] = '28.89';
$WX['TpressL'] = 'at 15:33 on 03 March 2023';
$WX['gustM'] = '36';
$WX['TgustM'] = 'at 16:12 on 03 March 2023';
$WX['wspeedH'] = '15';
$WX['TwspeedH'] = 'at 16:13 on 03 March 2023';
$WX['windrunH'] = '129.2';
$WX['TwindrunH'] = 'on 09 February 2023';
$WX['LatestError'] = 'Realtime[52]: Warning, a previous cycle is still processing local files. Skipping this interval.';
$WX['LatestErrorDate'] = 'Monday';
$WX['LatestErrorTime'] = '12:05';
$WX['ErrorLight'] = '1';
$WX['version'] = '4.3.3';
$WX['build'] = '4070';
$WX['realtimeinterval'] = '5';
$WX['interval'] = '5';
$WX['rollovertime'] = 'midnight';
$WX['update'] = '20/01/2025 12:55:00';
$WX['stationtype'] = 'Davis Vantage VUE';
$WX['latitude'] = 'N 37° 56' 02"';
$WX['longitude'] = 'W 85° 23' 17"';
$WX['altitude'] = '709 ft';
$WX['location'] = 'The Farm';
$WX['longlocation'] = 'Fairfield, KY';
$WX['forum'] = ':forum:';
$WX['webcam'] = '';
$WX['graphperiod'] = '72';
$WX['battery'] = '4.80';
$WX['txbattery'] = '1-ok 2-ok 3-ok 4-ok 5-ok 6-ok 7-ok 8-ok';
$WX['SensorContactLost'] = '0';
$WX['snowdepth'] = '-';
$WX['currcond'] = '';
$WX['chillhours'] = '1266.4';
$WX['ConsecutiveRainDays'] = '0';
$WX['ConsecutiveDryDays'] = '1';
$WX['WindRoseData'] = '0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1412,0,0,0,0,0,0';
$WX['WindRosePoints'] = '16';
$WX['WindSampleCount'] = '3600';
$WX['LatestNOAAMonthlyReport'] = 'NOAAMO0125.txt';
$WX['LatestNOAAYearlyReport'] = 'NOAAYR2025.txt';
$WX['sunrise'] = '07:54';
$WX['sunset'] = '17:52';
$WX['daylength'] = '09:58';
$WX['tomorrowdaylength'] = 'There will be 1min 36s more daylight tomorrow';
$WX['dawn'] = '07:26';
$WX['dusk'] = '18:20';
$WX['daylightlength'] = '10:54';
$WX['moonphase'] = 'Waning Gibbous';
$WX['MoonAge'] = '21';
$WX['moonrise'] = '-----';
$WX['moonset'] = '11:17';
$WX['isdaylight'] = '1';
$WX['IsSunUp'] = '1';
$WX['SunshineHours'] = '0.0';
$WX['YSunshineHours'] = '0.0';
$WX['CurrentSolarMax'] = '497';
$WX['IsSunny'] = '0';
$WX['MoonPercent'] = '-61';
$WX['MoonPercentAbs'] = '61';
$WX['LowTempAlarm'] = '0';
$WX['HighTempAlarm'] = '0';
$WX['TempChangeUpAlarm'] = '0';
$WX['TempChangeDownAlarm'] = '0';
$WX['TempChangeLastHour'] = '+1.9';
$WX['LowPressAlarm'] = '0';
$WX['HighPressAlarm'] = '0';
$WX['PressChangeUpAlarm'] = '0';
$WX['PressChangeDownAlarm'] = '0';
$WX['HighRainTodayAlarm'] = '0';
$WX['HighRainRateAlarm'] = '0';
$WX['HighWindGustAlarm'] = '0';
$WX['HighWindSpeedAlarm'] = '0';
$WX['recordsbegandate'] = '01 January 2016';
$WX['newrecord'] = '0';
$WX['TempRecordSet'] = '0';
$WX['WindRecordSet'] = '0';
$WX['RainRecordSet'] = '0';
$WX['HumidityRecordSet'] = '0';
$WX['PressureRecordSet'] = '0';
$WX['HighTempRecordSet'] = '0';
$WX['LowTempRecordSet'] = '0';
$WX['HighTempRangeRecordSet'] = '0';
$WX['LowTempRangeRecordSet'] = '0';
$WX['HighAppTempRecordSet'] = '0';
$WX['LowAppTempRecordSet'] = '0';
$WX['HighHeatIndexRecordSet'] = '0';
$WX['LowWindChillRecordSet'] = '0';
$WX['HighDewPointRecordSet'] = '0';
$WX['LowDewPointRecordSet'] = '0';
$WX['HighMinTempRecordSet'] = '0';
$WX['LowMaxTempRecordSet'] = '0';
$WX['HighWindGustRecordSet'] = '0';
$WX['HighWindSpeedRecordSet'] = '0';
$WX['HighRainRateRecordSet'] = '0';
$WX['HighHourlyRainRecordSet'] = '0';
$WX['HighDailyRainRecordSet'] = '0';
$WX['HighMonthlyRainRecordSet'] = '0';
$WX['LongestDryPeriodRecordSet'] = '0';
$WX['LongestWetPeriodRecordSet'] = '0';
$WX['HighHumidityRecordSet'] = '0';
$WX['LowHumidityRecordSet'] = '0';
$WX['HighPressureRecordSet'] = '0';
$WX['DataStopped'] = '0';
$WX['LowPressureRecordSet'] = '0';
$WX['HighWindrunRecordSet'] = '0';
$WX['ExtraTemp1'] = '-';
$WX['ExtraTemp2'] = '-';
$WX['ExtraTemp3'] = '-';
$WX['ExtraDP1'] = '-';
$WX['ExtraDP2'] = '-';
$WX['ExtraDP3'] = '-';
$WX['ExtraHum1'] = '-';
$WX['ExtraHum2'] = '-';
$WX['ExtraHum3'] = '-';
$WX['DavisTotalPacketsReceived'] = '16124';
$WX['DavisTotalPacketsMissed'] = '153';
$WX['DavisNumberOfResynchs'] = '0';
$WX['DavisMaxInARow'] = '750';
$WX['DavisNumCRCerrors'] = '45';
$WX['DavisFirmwareVersion'] = '3.0';
$WX['THWindex'] = '15.6';
$WX['THSWindex'] = '0.0';
$WX['Light'] = '0.0';
$WX['OsVersion'] = 'Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)';
$WX['OsLanguage'] = 'English (United Kingdom)';
$WX['SystemUpTime'] = '13 days 20 hours';
$WX['ProgramUpTime'] = '13 days 21 hours';
$WX['CpuName'] = 'n/a';
$WX['CpuCount'] = '4';
$WX['MemoryStatus'] = 'n/a';
$WX['DisplayMode'] = 'n/a';
$WX['AllocatedMemory'] = '203.50 MB';
$WX['DiskSize'] = 'n/a';
$WX['DiskFree'] = 'n/a';
$WX['RCdew'] = '1.1';
$WX['RCheatindex'] = '15.6';
$WX['RChum'] = '52';
$WX['RCinhum'] = '20';
$WX['RCintemp'] = '73.2';
$WX['RCpress'] = '30.65';
$WX['RCpressTH'] = '30.67';
$WX['RCpressTL'] = '30.44';
$WX['RCrfall'] = '0.00';
$WX['RCrrate'] = '0.00';
$WX['RCrrateTM'] = '0.00';
$WX['RCtemp'] = '15.6';
$WX['RCtempTH'] = '15.7';
$WX['RCtempTL'] = '-3.4';
$WX['RCwchill'] = '15.6';
$WX['RCwgust'] = '2';
$WX['RCwgustTM'] = '7';
$WX['RCwspeed'] = '0';
$WX['RecentOutsideTemp m=5'] = '15.4';
$WX['RecentWindSpeed m=5'] = '0';
$WX['RecentWindGust m=5'] = '2';
$WX['RecentWindLatest m=5'] = '0';
$WX['RecentWindAvgDir m=5'] = '210';
$WX['RecentWindChill m=5'] = '15.4';
$WX['RecentDewPoint m=5'] = '0.9';
$WX['RecentHeatIndex m=5'] = '15.4';
$WX['RecentHumidity m=5'] = '52';
$WX['RecentPressure m=5'] = '30.65';
$WX['RecentRainToday m=5'] = '0.00';
$WX['RecentSolarRad m=5'] = '-';
$WX['RecentUV m=5'] = '-';
$WX['RecentOutsideTemp m=10'] = '15.4';
$WX['RecentWindSpeed m=10'] = '1';
$WX['RecentWindGust m=10'] = '2';
$WX['RecentWindLatest m=10'] = '0';
$WX['RecentWindAvgDir m=10'] = '210';
$WX['RecentWindChill m=10'] = '15.4';
$WX['RecentDewPoint m=10'] = '1.7';
$WX['RecentHeatIndex m=10'] = '15.4';
$WX['RecentHumidity m=10'] = '54';
$WX['RecentPressure m=10'] = '30.65';
$WX['RecentRainToday m=10'] = '0.00';
$WX['RecentSolarRad m=10'] = '-';
$WX['RecentUV m=10'] = '-';
$WX['RecentOutsideTemp m=15'] = '15.2';
$WX['RecentWindSpeed m=15'] = '1';
$WX['RecentWindGust m=15'] = '2';
$WX['RecentWindLatest m=15'] = '1';
$WX['RecentWindAvgDir m=15'] = '210';
$WX['RecentWindChill m=15'] = '15.2';
$WX['RecentDewPoint m=15'] = '1.1';
$WX['RecentHeatIndex m=15'] = '15.2';
$WX['RecentHumidity m=15'] = '53';
$WX['RecentPressure m=15'] = '30.66';
$WX['RecentRainToday m=15'] = '0.00';
$WX['RecentSolarRad m=15'] = '-';
$WX['RecentUV m=15'] = '-';
$WX['RecentOutsideTemp m=20'] = '14.7';
$WX['RecentWindSpeed m=20'] = '1';
$WX['RecentWindGust m=20'] = '3';
$WX['RecentWindLatest m=20'] = '1';
$WX['RecentWindAvgDir m=20'] = '210';
$WX['RecentWindChill m=20'] = '14.7';
$WX['RecentDewPoint m=20'] = '0.6';
$WX['RecentHeatIndex m=20'] = '14.7';
$WX['RecentHumidity m=20'] = '53';
$WX['RecentPressure m=20'] = '30.66';
$WX['RecentRainToday m=20'] = '0.00';
$WX['RecentSolarRad m=20'] = '-';
$WX['RecentUV m=20'] = '-';
$WX['RecentOutsideTemp m=30'] = '15.1';
$WX['RecentWindSpeed m=30'] = '1';
$WX['RecentWindGust m=30'] = '2';
$WX['RecentWindLatest m=30'] = '0';
$WX['RecentWindAvgDir m=30'] = '210';
$WX['RecentWindChill m=30'] = '15.1';
$WX['RecentDewPoint m=30'] = '1.0';
$WX['RecentHeatIndex m=30'] = '15.1';
$WX['RecentHumidity m=30'] = '53';
$WX['RecentPressure m=30'] = '30.66';
$WX['RecentRainToday m=30'] = '0.00';
$WX['RecentSolarRad m=30'] = '-';
$WX['RecentUV m=30'] = '-';
$WX['RecentOutsideTemp m=45'] = '14.6';
$WX['RecentWindSpeed m=45'] = '0';
$WX['RecentWindGust m=45'] = '1';
$WX['RecentWindLatest m=45'] = '0';
$WX['RecentWindAvgDir m=45'] = '210';
$WX['RecentWindChill m=45'] = '14.6';
$WX['RecentDewPoint m=45'] = '0.9';
$WX['RecentHeatIndex m=45'] = '14.6';
$WX['RecentHumidity m=45'] = '54';
$WX['RecentPressure m=45'] = '30.66';
$WX['RecentRainToday m=45'] = '0.00';
$WX['RecentSolarRad m=45'] = '-';
$WX['RecentUV m=45'] = '-';
$WX['RecentOutsideTemp m=60'] = '13.7';
$WX['RecentWindSpeed m=60'] = '0';
$WX['RecentWindGust m=60'] = '2';
$WX['RecentWindLatest m=60'] = '1';
$WX['RecentWindAvgDir m=60'] = '210';
$WX['RecentWindChill m=60'] = '13.7';
$WX['RecentDewPoint m=60'] = '-0.7';
$WX['RecentHeatIndex m=60'] = '13.7';
$WX['RecentHumidity m=60'] = '52';
$WX['RecentPressure m=60'] = '30.66';
$WX['RecentRainToday m=60'] = '0.00';
$WX['RecentSolarRad m=60'] = '-';
$WX['RecentUV m=60'] = '-';
$WX['RecentOutsideTemp m=75'] = '13.7';
$WX['RecentWindSpeed m=75'] = '0';
$WX['RecentWindGust m=75'] = '1';
$WX['RecentWindLatest m=75'] = '0';
$WX['RecentWindAvgDir m=75'] = '210';
$WX['RecentWindChill m=75'] = '13.7';
$WX['RecentDewPoint m=75'] = '1.3';
$WX['RecentHeatIndex m=75'] = '13.7';
$WX['RecentHumidity m=75'] = '57';
$WX['RecentPressure m=75'] = '30.67';
$WX['RecentRainToday m=75'] = '0.00';
$WX['RecentSolarRad m=75'] = '-';
$WX['RecentUV m=75'] = '-';
$WX['RecentOutsideTemp m=90'] = '12.3';
$WX['RecentWindSpeed m=90'] = '0';
$WX['RecentWindGust m=90'] = '2';
$WX['RecentWindLatest m=90'] = '1';
$WX['RecentWindAvgDir m=90'] = '210';
$WX['RecentWindChill m=90'] = '12.3';
$WX['RecentDewPoint m=90'] = '1.0';
$WX['RecentHeatIndex m=90'] = '12.3';
$WX['RecentHumidity m=90'] = '60';
$WX['RecentPressure m=90'] = '30.67';
$WX['RecentRainToday m=90'] = '0.00';
$WX['RecentSolarRad m=90'] = '-';
$WX['RecentUV m=90'] = '-';
$WX['RecentOutsideTemp m=105'] = '11.4';
$WX['RecentWindSpeed m=105'] = '0';
$WX['RecentWindGust m=105'] = '3';
$WX['RecentWindLatest m=105'] = '0';
$WX['RecentWindAvgDir m=105'] = '210';
$WX['RecentWindChill m=105'] = '11.4';
$WX['RecentDewPoint m=105'] = '0.2';
$WX['RecentHeatIndex m=105'] = '11.4';
$WX['RecentHumidity m=105'] = '60';
$WX['RecentPressure m=105'] = '30.67';
$WX['RecentRainToday m=105'] = '0.00';
$WX['RecentSolarRad m=105'] = '-';
$WX['RecentUV m=105'] = '-';
$WX['RecentOutsideTemp m=120'] = '10.3';
$WX['RecentWindSpeed m=120'] = '0';
$WX['RecentWindGust m=120'] = '3';
$WX['RecentWindLatest m=120'] = '0';
$WX['RecentWindAvgDir m=120'] = '210';
$WX['RecentWindChill m=120'] = '10.3';
$WX['RecentDewPoint m=120'] = '0.2';
$WX['RecentHeatIndex m=120'] = '10.3';
$WX['RecentHumidity m=120'] = '63';
$WX['RecentPressure m=120'] = '30.66';
$WX['RecentRainToday m=120'] = '0.00';
$WX['RecentSolarRad m=120'] = '-';
$WX['RecentUV m=120'] = '-';
$WX['RecentOutsideTemp h=24'] = '27.8';
$WX['DaysSinceRecordsBegan'] = '3307';
$WX['metdate'] = '20/01/2025';
$WX['metdateyesterday'] = '19/01/2025';
$WX['yesterday'] = '19/01/2025';
$WX['Ybeaudesc'] = 'Light breeze';
$WX['LastDataReadT'] = '20/01/2025 12:55:00';
$WX['RecentApparent'] = '9.3';
$WX['RecentIndoorTemp'] = '73.2';
$WX['RecentIndoorHumidity'] = '20';
$WX['LatestErrorEnc'] = 'Realtime[52]: Warning, a previous cycle is still processing local files. Skipping this interval.';
$WX['LatestErrorJsEnc'] = 'Realtime[52]: Warning, a previous cycle is still processing local files. Skipping this interval.';
$WX['NewBuildAvailable'] = '0';
$WX['StationFreeMemory'] = '0';
$WX['StationRuntime'] = '0';